The Kremlin Not Only Steals Crops from Ukrainian Farmers, It Consistently Threatens Food Security and Deserves Tough Sanctions

The Russians are not only occupiers, but also the biggest thieves who steal and sell Ukrainian grain, take Donbas’ factories and Mariupol’s rolled metal away from Ukraine. Ukrainian farmers, in particular from the southern part of the country, have suffered the most. They are not up to pride or complaints about the bad weather: part of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions continue to be under Russian occupation, and their record harvests continue to be exported to Russia. Exporting grain in this way is nothing but looting.

The administrations of the occupied territories created by Russia do not even try to hide where the grain of Ukrainian farmers goes. From time to time, various mass media publish videos of how “wagons of grain have gone to Russia”, which can be perceived as a mocking “hello” to the Ukrainian authorities.

This once again confirms that the Russians are not only occupiers, but also the biggest thieves who steal and sell Ukrainian grain, take Donbas’ factories and Mariupol’s rolled metal away from Ukraine.

According to open data, the Russians earned more than 500 million dollars from the sale of stolen Ukrainian grain. It is known about more than three dozen ships that made more than 50 trips with grain from the territory of Ukraine occupied by Russia to Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and other countries. In fact, the Russians steal Ukrainian grain, and all the profits are taken by local Gauleiters and the Kremlin’s protégés in the occupied regions.

Before the war, Ukrainian grain accounted for 10 % of world exports, and its disappearance from international trade chains could cause a food crisis. The whole world knows that Moscow steals grain from Ukraine. The activities of the Russian occupation authorities correspond to robbery and piracy. Muscovy ships involved in the robbery of Ukrainian grain in captured seaports of Ukraine are subject to international conventions on combating piracy. Civilized countries buy grain from Ukraine, when Russia steals it. This is the fundamental difference between the West and fascist and barbaric Russia.

It is Russian tanks, bombs and mines that prevent Ukraine from sowing, cultivating and harvesting. The Kremlin attacks granaries and continues to steal grain in Ukraine, shifting the blame to others. This is nothing more than cowardice and pure propaganda.

Russia steals territories, people, grain, toilets and underwear, because it has such a strategy — a steal strategy.