The Save Ukraine charity event on Sunday 27 March
The Save Ukraine charity event, aimed at reaching out to millions of people around the world to help Ukrainians live Подробнее
The Save Ukraine charity event, aimed at reaching out to millions of people around the world to help Ukrainians live Подробнее
Today, not everyone in Europe understands that the Kremlin needs not just a part, but all of Ukraine to further Подробнее
Fake 1: «Nazi concentration camp,» or «secret prison» set up by Aydar Battalion. A new boogeyman story is out there Подробнее
For nearly a month, Ukraine has held back the onslaught of a full-scale war unleashed by Putin on February 24. Подробнее
Fake 1: Twitter had to label some Ukrainian outlets as government media over biased reporting Russian pundits rejoice across their Подробнее
По данным российского комитета солдатский матерей, только во времена первой чеченской кампании среди солдат регулярных частей срочной службы погибли 14 Подробнее
Today, one of the key focuses of Russian propaganda efforts is a delivering misinformation, to both the Russian citizens and Подробнее
When it comes to war crimes — Russia is second to none. But this one might be the worst one Подробнее
Not so long ago, Pope Francis called Mariupol a “martyred” city, which became the embodiment of a humanitarian catastrophe and Подробнее
Майя Ш. с семьей 14.03.22 сумела вырваться из заблокированного Мариуполя. Ужас – единственное слово, которое она повторяет, когда описывает ситуацию Подробнее