“Executioners of the Ukrainian People”: Stalin Killed Ukrainians with Hunger, Putin — with Blood, Cold and Terror

One of the main tactics of Putin’s terror is a rocket attacks, and the main goal of this winter is destuctin of civilian and critical infrastructure of Ukraine. The Russians’s goal is to leave the Ukrainians without light and heat, to freeze them and thus force them to negotiation. But Putin is not the first dictator to use terror and food as weapons against the Ukrainian people. Stalin killed millions of Ukrainians during the great famine, now his “disciple” and heir Putin uses a similar practice, together with the genocide and cold. The consequences of the Russian war will be felt for many years to come, as the Russians shell and mine agricultural infrastructure, pollute Ukrainian lands, and prevent food supplies from Ukraine. Before the war, Ukraine exported more than 55 % of all sunflower oil in the world, more than 55 % of Ukrainian wheat went to Asia and 40 % — to African countries. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is similar to the Soviet tyrant Joseph Stalin that he is afraid of Ukraine and Ukrainians, their democracy and desire to be part of Europe. The war he unleashed is part of a plan that should impede this process, an attempt to intimidate and commit genocide against Ukrainians and thus force them to return to the arms of the Russian terrorist state.

Russian troops continue to carry out massive missile attacks on Ukraine, where the main target is facilities that supply Ukrainians with electricity and heat. It is freezing now in Ukraine. It means that the Russians are trying to turn off the Ukrainian energy system precisely during a cold snap, which, accordingly, can cause great damage to the system and discomfort to civilians in Ukraine. As you can see, the Kremlin’s methods remain cynical and unchanged during not only this aggression, but many centuries. Let us recall at least the terrible times of the artificial famine that occurred in the last century, 90 years ago. Then Stalin destroyed millions of Ukrainians by starvation, trying to break and erase their identity. Now, Putin, losing on the battlefield. also wants this, resorting to cold torture and using frost and winter as weapons

The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine had a disastrous impact on the Ukrainian and world economy, tens of thousands of people died, and millions were forced to leave their homes. During the months of the war, the Russian Federation and its troops have destroyed, damaged, looted or mutilated Ukrainian property worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Given the regular massive airstrikes and attacks on energy infrastructure, this figure increases significantly every time after the attacks of the Russian Federation. The terrorist country of the Russian Federation is increasingly striving to destroy as many important infrastructure facilities as possible and intimidate Ukrainians even more. At the same time, the Ukrainian people continue to fight, remembering the lessons of history and not making concessions to the Russians. Doing this in winter conditions, of course, becomes more difficult. But the heroism of Ukrainians, together with the support of the civilized world, is able to stop Russian terror. Air defense systems will help save the lives of thousands of Ukrainians this winter. It is essential the partners supply the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapon in full and in the shortest possible time.

Ukraine today is an outpost of the struggle for the freedom and security of all of Europe. No diplomacy or negotiations with the aggressor country will force it to stop the war. In the case of Russia, dialogue is possible only from a position of strength and constant comprehensive political, economic and cultural pressure. The more global the sanctions, boycott and blockade are, the faster it will lead to exhaustion of the aggressor and give the possibility to defeate him.