Russia’s war against Ukraine. As of 17:00, 7 March
MILITARY SITUATION The Russian troops continue simultaneously attacking Ukraine from the territory of Russia, Belarus and the temporarily occupied parts Подробнее
MILITARY SITUATION The Russian troops continue simultaneously attacking Ukraine from the territory of Russia, Belarus and the temporarily occupied parts Подробнее
In violation of the previously reached agreements, on 7 March 2022 the Russian Federation yet again sabotaged the opening of Подробнее
At the moment, Russia is preparing for a protracted war in Ukraine. Retreating and finally losing face is unacceptable for Подробнее
After the invasion of February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation continues to use methods and means of war that are Подробнее
The Russian troops simultaneously attack Ukraine from the territory of Russia, Belarus and the temporarily occupied parts of Ukraine’s Donetsk, Подробнее
So, the first 10 days of Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine have passed, and we can sum up the first Подробнее
Creating a no-fly zone over Ukraine is one of the key points of de-escalation. Having failed in fulfilling its offensive Подробнее
Russia’s economy will fall by 20% due to sanctions in the second quarter according to JPMorgan’s estimates. As well as Подробнее
OPERATIONAL SITUATION The Russian troops simultaneously attack Ukraine from the territory of Russia, Belarus and the temporarily occupied parts of Подробнее