Country of victorious fascism

“Soldiers, I liberate you from the chimera called ‘conscience, for the glory of the Greater Reich,” Hitler proclaimed. It turned out that he have worthy successors. Putin’s Russia once again demonstrates to the world its outright fascism. It decided to legalize the war crimes of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine. The State Duma of the Russian Federation wants to pass a law abolishing punishments for crimes committed in the «annexed territories» if they are committed «in the interests of the Russian Federation.»

Now terrorism, murder, robbery and looting in the occupied territories are welcome and will be enshrined in law. It remains only to institute a medal «For murder and brave looting.» The glorification of the occupation is the lot of fascism. The tinsel of the spiritual power of the «great liberators» crumbled and under it there turned out to be the ugly face of a murderer and a sadist, telling about the «liberation» of the people he was destroying. Rashism is the same fascism, in all its baseness and obscurantism, and it turned out to be even more cynical than Hitler’s fascism.

There is a bloody war, the number of victims is growing. And the direct perpetrators and organizers of bloody crimes must be punished. And retribution is coming.

Today, the whole civilized world clearly chooses the side of Ukraine.