Ukraine Makes Every Effort to Prevent the War in the Future. It Needs the Support of Partners and Allies as Never Before

Did you know that citizens of Ukraine continue to suffer and die every day from the Russian-Ukrainian war. Perhaps the “Ukrainian topic” is gradually losing its relevance in foreign media, but life is hard in Ukraine, with many more problems every day. The war unleashed by the Russian aggressor in Ukraine continues to affect both people and critical infrastructure, energy facilities… All this needs to be restored, rebuilt, reconstructed, reanimated. However, when we talk about restoration, first of all, it is about the restoration of a person, his physical and psychological health. And then we can talk about energy, roads, houses. Here are some figures from the World Health Organization about the losses and suffering of Ukrainians:
• 3.7 million people are currently internally displaced;
• more than 10,000 civilians were killed;
• more than 30,000 civilians were injured;
• about 1,600 attacks on the Ukrainian healthcare system;
• more than 120 medical workers were killed.
On May 22, 2024, the Conference on International Medical Partnerships took place in Kyiv with participation of the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska. The Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko, representatives of the German-Ukrainian Medical Partnership Program GIZ, the World Health Organization, the Ministers of Health of Lithuania and Estonia, as well as heads of hospitals and delegations from Poland, France, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Turkey , Great Britain, Latvia, Finland took part in the event.
In September 2023, under the auspices of the Third Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen, the International Medical Partnership (IMP) program was launched. Then 25 Ukrainian hospitals entered into partnership agreements. Currently, a total of 34 memoranda on medical partnership were signed. The program is constantly expanding and demonstrating its effectiveness: Ukrainian doctors have the opportunity to study leading global experience and share their own, which is especially important for Ukraine right now, during the ongoing full-scale Russian war in Ukraine.
The IMP program is significant due to the unprovoked Russian invasion of the sovereign territory of Ukraine. Thousands, millions of Ukrainians are injured every day, experiencing psychological stress, in addition, the medical system is suffering. Russia has already damaged about one and a half thousand healthcare facilities, more than 200 have been destroyed completely. More than ever, Ukrainian medical institutions need reliable support in order to save people’s lives, provide quality medical care and continue to develop. Now Ukrainian specialists have a unique and invaluable experience of saving lives in war conditions, working in emergency situations, on the verge of their possibilities… Today the world can help Ukraine, and tomorrow Ukrainian specialists will be able to share their skills, experience and knowledge in medical care and treatment with the civilized world! Therefore, Medical Partnership cooperation opens up prospects not only for Ukraine, but also for partner countries.
Already today, nine hospitals from France, three hospitals each from Moldova and Germany, two each from Lithuania, Latvia, Israel, Sweden and North Macedonia have become partners of Ukrainian hospitals. As well as leading hospitals in Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Canada, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Turkey. The number of partner countries should further expand. After all, saving human life, his health is the fundamental basis for subsequent actions and for further restoration of the country, destroyed by the Russian occupiers.
“Despite all the brutality of Russian pressure and all the meanness of Russian terror, the world must prove that a consolidated force of all those who value life is enough to defend life and succeed in doing so. This is important for every country, for every nation, and if it works for Ukraine, it will definitely work for all other countries,” these words of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy show how important it is today to unite the efforts of all civilized world to support Ukraine in its fight against the Kremlin’s dictator.
The imperial ambitions of the President of the Russian Federation are irrepressible in his desire to become a “collector of Russian lands.” It is worth to remember that in addition to Ukrainian territories, Transnistria in Moldova, Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia are under the influence and occupation of Russia. The war will not end if Ukraine does not resist the pressure of the Kremlin’s occupiers. Russian dictator Putin will go further and attack NATO. First he will try to take over the Baltic countries, then — Poland and parts of Germany, for which Putin has his own plans.
Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the Kremlin aggressor from jeopardizing security in Europe and the international order as a whole by the joint efforts of partner countries. The upcoming Global Peace Summit, which will be held in Switzerland on June 15-16 this year, is very important here. This is a new international platform, which will be the beginning, the so-called “springboard”, for achieving a comprehensive, fair and sustainable peace in Ukraine, and will help stop Russian aggression, which has an impact not only on Ukraine. More than 100 countries are expected to participate in the international event; all continents of our planet will be represented. Summit participants who respect international law and the UN Charter can contribute to the establishment of long-awaited peace in Ukraine, as well as develop the basis of ensuring global security in the future. Participants of the International Event will have the opportunity to show that strong leaders are capable of making strong decisions!