Russia Is Committing Genocide Against Ukrainians: The Russian Occupiers Don’t Allow People with Ukrainian Passports to Evacuate, and Also Carried Out Another Missile and Drone Attack on Civilians

The Russians continue to commit crimes against Ukrainians that have all the signs of genocide. In particular, on June 10, the Russian Air Force launched another missile-drone attack on Odesa — 3 civilians were killed and 26 were injured. After the terrorist attack on the Kakhovka HPP, as a result of which the dam was destroyed, dozens of settlements on an area of 600,000 square kilometers were in the flood zone. Thousands of people need to be evacuated, but the Russians are evacuating only those who have a Russian passport. As a result of flooding, there are already victims — elderly people who were left to their fate died in the city of Hola Prystan. These crimes have all the signs of genocide, for which Russia has to be responsible.

During the last missile-drone attack in the sky over Odesa, 8 Iranian-made UAVs Shahed 136/131 were shot down. Debris of one of the downed drones damaged a multi-storey building, causing casualties among the residents of the building. Russia continues to import drones from Iran, with which it destroys civilian infrastructure and kills peaceful Ukrainians. This is terror that has nothing to do with the laws of war. Ukrainian women and children suffer from missile and drone attacks carried out by Russia.

Fearing a counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russians blew up the Kakhovka HPP. The terrorist attack deprived thousands of Ukrainians of their homes and property, dozens of settlements were in the flood zone. Water flooded cemeteries, cattle burial sites, chemical storage — Russia is committing ecocide in the occupied territories of Ukraine. They evacuate Ukrainian civilians only with Russian passport, others are left in flooded settlements without food and water. This is genocide on a national basis.

Russia is a terrorist state that destroys Ukrainians by all means — missile and drone strikes, artillery shelling of cities, terrorist attacks on hydroelectric power plants. The Kremlin is a threat to the entire civilized world, which should be stopped by the joint efforts of the West.