Politics for the poor

Dmitry Khmelnitsky

On June 9, 2024 elections to the European Parliament will be held. Two weeks before this event, Dmitry Apraksin, a candidate for the European Parliament from the Party of Cypriot Hunters and chairman of the Coordinating Council of Russian Compatriots in Cyprus (CCRCC), published a campaign article «Revive Leviathan» on the Facebook page of the Cypriot CCRCC.
We have already written about Apraksin himself and his political activities in the article «Hunter from Moscow»
Those who had a chance to listen to Dmitri Apraksin’s speeches at numerous propaganda rallies in front of the «Russian House» in Nicosia will hardly believe in his authorship of this text full of references to Aristotle, Ibn Khaldun, European philosophers, and complicated subordinate sentences. At first glance, the text is incomprehensible.
We must assume that we are looking at an essay by some high-brow embassy propagandists trained at MGIMO to manipulate the vocabulary of civilized people and express the position of the Russian government — to the extent that it is expressible at all. And that’s not a good thing.
That is, the position itself is extremely simple and unsophisticated — «The West is the enemy, we are good, let us do what we want and cancel the sanctions.» Such propaganda works for many people inside the country, but it is a dead end to appeal to Europeans. And the text is, at least formally, addressed to Cypriot voters. One has to imitate civility and disguise real goals. Hence the rampant demagoguery.
If you give yourself the trouble to look into this text, it is not difficult to identify the meaning. And the meaning is simple to the point of lewdness.
The European Union («Leviathan») is dead, democracy is practically dead too. The only salvation is the «multipolar world». What it is, is not clearly explained, but the meaning is clear — freedom of action for the Russian regime. In Cyprus, according to Apraksin’s flattering statement, democracy is still preserved — «unlike some countries of the collective West, which consider themselves hegemons». Therefore, Cyprus, as a democratic country, must now oppose itself to the EU and support Russia. Otherwise, «…we cannot avoid chaos and thousands, if not millions of victims shortly.»

Dmitry Apraksin at the head of the «immortal regiment» in Limassol on May 9, 2024.

This is already a direct military threat since there can be many millions of casualties in Europe only in one single case — if Russia spreads its aggression to other European countries. And it is ready to spread, as Apraksin himself reminds us, listing the territorial conflicts of World War II long forgotten in Europe as a threat to the modern world.
The funny thing is that only by opposing the EU will Cypriots, according to Apraksin, «prove that they are worthy of the memory of their ancestors, their history and centuries-old democratic traditions of Hellenistic culture.»
In other words, the democratic traditions of Hellenism today must be expressed in support of the Russian dictatorship.

It is hard to believe that the authors of this nonsense count on its propaganda effect. Rather, they are practicing their official tasks.
And here it is worth recalling who Apraksin represents. The Central Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots is a fictitious, i.e. pseudo-public organization created in Moscow in 2008, which has branches all over the world and is engaged in propaganda and recruitment of agents among emigrants from the former USSR and Russia. Coordination councils in different countries are its departmental subdivisions consisting of local agents of influence.
The Hunters’ Party (full name: «United Movement of Hunters of Cyprus — Active Citizens»). — A marginal Cypriot party created in 2018 and, judging by its active participation since 2023 in Russian propaganda actions, it was bought by the Russian Embassy.
By the hands of such people and such organizations Russia now acts in the field of international politics. It has no other means left.
As for Apraksin, he wants to enter the European Parliament with one single goal — to destroy it. And it does not hide this goal.

In the top photo Dmitry Apraksin (left) with Russian Ambassador to Cyprus Murat Zyazikov

