Ukraine Is Fighting for a Just Peace, but What Is Russia Choosing?

Russia is deliberately avoiding peace talks. Its refusal to participate in the second Peace Summit this November is a clear confirmation of this. The Kremlin, instead of a diplomatic settlement, continues to demonstrate its desire to continue hostilities. The Russian Foreign Ministry’s representatives, in particular Maria Zakharova, said that peace initiatives such as the Peace Formula proposed by Ukraine were as an “ultimatum to capitulate” for Moscow.

These statements show Russia’s unwillingness to compromise or to seek a just and sustainable peace. The refusal to participate in peace talks clearly indicates a desire to continue the war, ignoring any diplomatic path to ending it. Such actions not only undermine peace initiatives, but also violate international norms, including the UN Charter, which requires conflicts to be resolved peacefully and respect for the territorial integrity of states. The Kremlin, on the contrary, demands negotiations on its terms, including territorial concessions from Ukraine. However, such conditions are unacceptable for Kyiv, which has repeatedly stated that the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are out of the question.

In its turn, Ukraine actively demonstrates its readiness to achieve a just peace. One of the most important initiatives was the first Global Peace Summit, which was held on June 15-16, 2024 in Switzerland. The event was attended by more than 100 delegations from all continents, which demonstrated global support for Ukraine, despite Russia’s attempts to prevent the participation of some leaders. The Summit covers three key global challenges: nuclear safety, food security, and the release of illegally deported persons, including children. Following the event, a joint communiqué was signed, which has been supported by 94 countries to date. This confirms global support for Ukraine’s initiatives aimed at restoring territorial integrity and ensuring lasting security. The Ukrainian Peace Formula, proposed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, includes main steps to restore Ukraine’s territorial integrity and ensure global security based on international law. Participating countries supported it, recognizing that lasting peace is impossible without the return of all occupied territories.

Demonstrating its commitment to peace, Ukraine plans to present the Victory Plan at the UN General Assembly and discuss it with allies, including the United States. The plan includes enhanced security and international partners’ support, which allows Ukraine to improve its negotiating position and bring the end of the war closer

Russia holds territory outside Ukraine and continues to pose a threat to other countries. In addition to occupying Crimea and parts of eastern and southern Ukraine, Moscow controls separatist regions in other states. In 2008, it occupied Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, ignoring international calls to return these territories to Georgian control. In Transnistria, in eastern Moldova, Russia has supported separatists since the early 1990s, which continues to destabilize the region.

Since the beginning of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Russia has not only demonstrated its aggressive policy, but also its expansionist ambitions that can threaten other countries in Eastern Europe. The Baltic States, Poland and other states in the region are under constant pressure, indicating that a partial success is not suitable for the Kremlin. Russia continues to expand its influence through force, which only confirms its imperial ambitions.

Unlike Russia, Ukraine is doing everything possible to restore peace based on justice and international law. It is supported by the international community: the world countries are uniting to support Ukraine in its efforts to live peacefully according to the UN Charter, and to restore the international order. This global solidarity is key to maintain stability in Europe and prevent further aggression.