Daily shelling of Kharkiv’s civilian infrastructure is becoming more intense. The international community can pacify the Russian aggressor

Another day… For some, it marks the beginning of a new life, for others, the start of a vacation, an exciting trip, a housewarming party, or classes at school… But not for the residents of Kharkiv. Every day, they hear explosions, see deaths, injuries, search for their loved ones among the missing. And this madness has been going on for three years now, since Vladimir Putin decided to launch a so-called “special military operation,” although in fact it is a full-blown Russo-Ukrainian war. A cruel, bloody war that kills and maims innocent Ukrainian residents.

Can you imagine life with daily air raid alerts? On May 25, for example, the air alert in Kharkiv lasted more than 20 hours…How can a civilian person endure all this? Especially a woman or a child… On that day, Russian bombs and missiles hit Kharkiv four times. Early in the morning, Kremlin troops targeted a local lyceum, and a little later they dropped two guided bombs on the Epicentr home improvement hypermarket. After a while, another aerial bomb was launched at the central park (fortunately, the bomb failed to detonate). The fourth strike, in the evening hours, hit a densely populated area.

It was a day off, and city residents flocked into a large home improvement hypermarket when suddenly, a Russian bomb hit the building – and then another one. The impact started a fire covering an area of 15,000 square meters. According to the latest data, at least 16 people were killed and nearly 50 were injured Over 20 persons are considered missing.

Take a look at the photo of this child, an eight-year-old Ukrainian boy who produces a DNA sample so that his family is able to identify his father among the dead, among body parts and ashes. His dad was an employee of the hypermarket, targeted by Russia, who never returned home after his Saturday shift. “We are afraid that in order to search for remains and identify the dead, we will have to sift through the ashes,” said the commissioner at the police investigation department.

Russian aerial bombs and missiles are launched against civilian buildings in Kharkiv, the civil life of the city, residents, children and women. The hypermarket building burned down to the ground. It was only in 16 hours that firefighters put out the blaze.

What does Putin need? In fact, the Kremlin dictator wants only one thing – to annihilate Ukrainians, destroy peaceful cities, achieve mass migration of the civilian population, and all this in order to satisfy his “imperial ambitions” to conquer new lands.


The aggressor wants to completely destroy the residential and industrial infrastructure of Kharkiv with aerial guided bombs, making the city uninhabitable. Missile attacks and bombardments are intended to sow panic among the civilian population and force them to flee the city. After this, the advancing units of the Russian occupation forces intend to storm the devastated, deserted Kharkiv.

Russia must be defeated, pacified, and isolated, otherwise the evil emanating from Moscow will spread farther throughout the planet, and it will be too late to fix anything! “It’s a pleasure for them to burn everything. We all know who we’re dealing with. Russia is led by people who want to make it the norm to burn life, destroy cities and villages, divide peoples, and erase national borders with war,” these are the words of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky who spoke while visiting the site of yet another tragedy in Kharkiv.

The international community must show its leadership in bringing such a long-awaited peace closer, and a step towards it would be the most extensive participation in the Global Peace Summit, which will take place in Switzerland in less than a month (June 15-16). More than 80 countries have already confirmed their participation as they are really willing to be involved in solving a global problem — stopping Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine, which could develop into World War 3 if the aggressor is not stopped. The issues that will be considered at the High-Level Conference are extremely important for everyone — nuclear, energy, and food security. In addition, at the global event, a so-called “road map” will be developed, whose implementation will allow for achieving a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Ukraine in accordance with the UN Charter and international law. The discussions will be based on the peace formula put forward by President Volodymyr Zelensky.

As part of the initiation of the Peace Summit, Ukraine demonstrates to the entire international community its desire to end the war based on international law and universal human values. This is fundamentally different from Russia’s demands, which reflect its neo-imperialist goals. International partners and Ukraine must do everything possible to defeat the Russian aggressor, so it is more important than ever for all nations to endorse the Peace Summit through personal leadership and participation.