The Cruel Treatment of Ukrainian Prisoners Remains Unpunished

Russia continues to grossly violate the rights of prisoners of war, ignoring the Geneva Conventions, which must be observed by all states. The latest prisoner exchanges on September 13-14 showed the terrible conditions in which Ukrainian defenders are being held.

The prisoner exchange was made possible by the successful operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region. As a result of this operation, a significant number of Russian soldiers were captured by Ukraine as prisons of war, which made it possible to increase the exchange fund. This significantly accelerated the process of negotiations on the return of Ukrainian soldiers. Such military successes of Ukraine as the operation in the Kursk region affect the frequency and effectiveness of prisoner exchanges.

As a result of the recent exchange, 152 Ukrainian servicemen were released, including defenders of the Azovstal, who had been in Russian captivity for more than two years. They were subjected to torture, starvation, were without appropriate medical care, which violates basic human rights. The released soldiers talked about cruel and inhumane conditions, which once again confirms Russia’s systematic violation of international law. These facts require an immediate response from the international community to stop the ongoing abuse of prisoners.


Photo by Konstantin and Vlada Liberov


According to the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission, over 95 % of Ukrainian prisoners of war have been tortured in Russian captivity. It reports physical and psychological abuse, denial of medical care, and systematic beatings for using the Ukrainian language. All these demonstrate that torture and ill-treatment are part of Russian state policy. Russia systematically ignores the Geneva Conventions, which provide for the protection of prisoners.

The Russian Federation also actively prevents international organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), from accessing its prison camps. This allows hiding numerous cases of ill-treatment and torture. Moreover, Russia uses detainees for political purposes, creating tension in Ukrainian society, refusing to exchange prisoners, and delaying the process.

Russian forces have been proven to have executed over 110 Ukrainian prisoners, and the real number of those executed is likely much higher. In particular, the mass execution in Olenivka, where more than a hundred Ukrainian soldiers died, was an egregious example of a war crime. These actions not only grossly violate international law, but also demonstrate Russia’s complete disregard for the norms of the civilized world.

The recent shelling of the Red Cross, which was delivering humanitarian aid to civilians in the Donetsk region on September 12, also highlights that Russia continues its policy of aggression, ignoring the rights of both prisoners of war and civilians. As a result of the shelling, three Red Cross workers were killed, which is a war crime. The world must react to such actions and hold Russia accountable.

While Ukrainian soldiers, captured bu Russia, are subjected to torture and cruel treatment, Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine get humane treatment. They are held in accordance with international standards, receive proper nutrition, medical care and have the opportunity to communicate with their families. They are regularly visited by representatives of the Red Cross and other international organizations, which confirms Ukraine’s compliance with all norms of the Geneva Conventions. International observers, including the ICRC, have access to the places where Russian prisoners of war are held, which demonstrates the transparency of Ukraine’s actions. This highlights great differences between the treatment of prisoners by Ukraine and Russia, where human rights are systematically violated.

The international community must immediately increase pressure on Russia to respect the Geneva Conventions. Prisoners of war, regardless of their nationality, must be held in conditions without torture, cruel treatment or execution. The horrific facts recorded by the UN and other international organizations cannot be ignored. The world must step up efforts to protect the rights of all prisoners. Only decisive action can end the suffering of Ukrainian soldiers in Russian captivity. The Geneva Conventions must be observed, and Russia must be held accountable for their violations.