Russia Will Not Be Able to Disrupt the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland

Very soon, on June 15-16, the Global Peace Summit will take place in Bürgenstock, Switzerland. Representatives of more than 70 countries, including leaders of many European states, are expected to take part. Swiss President Viola Patricia Amherd has stated that a peace conference on Ukraine could be the beginning of further negotiations.

Russia has met the very idea of the Summit at dagger point, on which Ukrainian diplomacy puts high hopes. The Kremlin is putting unprecedented pressure on countries, which did not confirm its participation, in particular in Latin America and the African continent, whose leaders Putin courted last year at the 2023 Russia-Africa Summit.

The Summit in Switzerland should demonstrate the determination of the international community to demand from Russia to stop its aggression against Ukraine. The Ukrainian “Peace Formula,” created and supported by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy can be the basis for establishing lasting peace and updating the principles of international law.

Broad diplomatic circles consider the progress towards peace as a gradual but steady process. At the Summit in Switzerland, the first three points of the “Peace Formula” will be discussed, in particular, energy and nuclear security, free navigation, “all for all” prisoner exchange, as well as the return of children deported by Russia.

Western media indicate relatively high expectations from the Summit. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy recently said: “There, at the Summit, we will see who really believes in international law in the world and is ready to defend it effectively. Every leader, who does not want to continue this war and further aggression by the Russian Federation, can demonstrate at the Summit his genuine interest in peace.” (Baibak A. 90 countries have confirmed participation in the Peace Summit: how will the meeting of world leaders go and who will come// cel-kakie-strany-budut-i-budet-li-rossija-24-kanal_n2564446

The very fact of holding the Summit can be considered a great victory for Ukrainian diplomacy, which has long been trying to attract the attention of leaders not only of Western countries, but also of the “Global South” to Putin’s brutal and bloody war against Ukraine, which has been going on for the third year.

At the same time, Putin’s special services are trying to control and influence the “Global South” countries, as among them there are many satellites from Soviet times, as well as financial debtors of today’s Russia.

Skillfully manipulating the migrant factor as a means of making Europe “more manageable,” Moscow is resorting to blind actions in using desperate and deprived people to disrupt the Summit. This is done, first of all, to destabilize the socio-political situation in European countries and damage critical infrastructure.

The popular Czech Aktuální Zprávy published an article “Ruské pokusy o překažení Globálního mírového summit (“Russia is trying to disrupt the Global Peace Summit) about a recent threatening incident in the capital of the Czech Republic – Prague ( A Spanish-speaking man from one of the Latin American countries tried to set fire to city buses, which is an unprecedented for the Czech Republic.

The case is not the only one in a series of strange incidents happening in Europe recently. European officials believe that Moscow is conducting large-scale “low-level” operations to destabilize the situation in European countries.

The same President of the Czech Republic is forced to go to the Summit against the backdrop of a serious arson in the prosperous tourist city of Prague.

Unable to win on the battlefield, Russia decided to attack Western civilization, depriving Europeans of stability and confidence in the future.

The Peace Summit in Switzerland is capable of consolidating European governments in an effort to effectively counteract Russia. Support for Ukraine should not be perceived as something unnecessary. This is a direct investment in European security.