Reunification Day. Holiday or a Violation of International Law?

On September 28, Russia will celebrate the so-called Reunification Day with the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, as well as the Zaporizhia and Kherson regions.

The holiday, introduced in 2023 by decree of Vladimir Putin, symbolizes «the restoration of historical justice», according to the Russian authorities. Russia is promoting a narrative that states that the residents of these regions allegedly made an «independent» choice in favor of joining the Russian Federation. Officials emphasize that Moscow is «protecting» the population from «Ukrainian terror» by preserving their cultural identity.

However, the international community, including the European Union and the UN, identifies these actions as an evident violation of international law. The annexation of sovereign territories using force violates the UN Charter. The legitimacy of referendums on occupied territories under the control of military forces was reflected in UN resolutions and sanctions imposed on Russia.

Besides, Russia continues to conduct propaganda activities outside its borders. The Russian Center for Science and Culture in Nicosia will hold a meeting, organized by the Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots of Cyprus and the Cyprus Society of Russophiles. The event coincides with the «celebration» of the reunification of Russian regions with Donbass and southern regions of Ukraine. Participants are encouraged to come with flags and posters to support this gathering, which symbolizes the victory over the Ukrainian «regime» for Moscow.

For many Cypriots, such events can be perceived as an attempt to ignore international law and support the annexation. Cyprus itself has been divided since 1974 as Turkey occupied the northern part of the island. The annexation of Ukrainian regions is reminiscent of Cyprus’s own long-standing conflict. The Turkish occupation of the northern part of the island has been condemned by the international community, but remains unresolved.

Russia’s actions create a dangerous precedent that threatens stability not only in the EU but also in other countries. If the international community allows such annexations to remain unpunished, it could weaken the legal mechanisms that protect small states from aggression.

The European Union, the UN and most states around the world have condemned the annexation of Ukrainian territories and imposed sanctions on Russia, declaring their support for Ukraine. International organizations emphasize that the “reunification” with Donetsk and Luhansk only serves to legitimize aggression. Sanctions and political pressure are aimed at preventing further violations of international law, protecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The situation with Ukraine is a reminder of Cyprus’s own unresolved territorial disputes.

Ignoring violations of international law creates a dangerous precedent that can destabilize the global security system. It is important not only to condemn such actions, but also to actively support Ukraine in its fight for territorial integrity in order to preserve the principles on which the international community is built.