Moldova, Ukraine, EU Countries… The Kremlin Continues to Meddle in Democratic Processes

In recent years, Russia’s interference in the internal affairs of other countries has become a phenomenon that seriously concerns the international community. The latest example is Moldova. The Moldovan authorities have accused Russia of attempting to undermine the referendum on the country’s accession to the European Union. This incident is part of the Kremlin’s wider strategy that has previously been actively used in various post-Soviet and European countries, as well as in Ukraine.

The Moldovan government recently claimed that Russia transferred more than 15 million US dollars to the accounts of Moldovan citizens in order to influence the results of the referendum and prevent the country from joining the EU. According to the Head of the Moldovan National Police, Viorel Cernauteanu, the money was transferred by a bank affiliated with the Russian Ministry of Defense. Then, recipients were instructed via Telegram on how to vote and spread disinformation about the EU. In particular, Russia attempted to manipulate more than 130,000 citizens to spread fake news, provoke unrest, and attack government institutions. This is a clear example of how Russia uses subversive methods to interfere in the political processes of sovereign states and sabotage their democratic development.

Other countries have similar problems. There is Russia’s interference not only in the post-Soviet republics, but also in the EU and NATO countries. We should remeber the US presidential elections in 2016 and in 2020, when Russian officers launched disinformation campaigns and cyberattacks, significantly undermining confidence in the American electoral system. Russia has also done the same in the UK to influence the Brexit referendum, as well as in France and Germany’s elections, using cyberattacks and disinformation. The main goal is to undermine democratic institutions, sowing discord and mistrust among citizens, weakening Western democracies and undermining their stability.

In addition to subversion, Russia tries its agents of influence to hold high positions in other countries in order to influence the decision-making. One example is the attempts to interfere in the elections to the European Parliament, where pro-Russian politicians were supported to strengthen the Kremlin’s influence in European organizations and promote decisions that undermine the unity of the EU. According to investigations, there are links between some European politicians, including members of the European Parliament, and Russian intelligence services or their support for pro-Russian positions, such as anti-Russian sanctions and policy against Ukraine. Cyprus is the best example here, where pro-Russian forces and lobbyists tried to promote Moscow’s interests using financial leverage and connections to influence European institutions, including the European Parliament.

In Ukraine, Russia’s interference was even more aggressive. In 2014, Russia staged a referendum in Crimea at gunpoint, illegally annexing the peninsula. These actions were accompanied by false statements about the need to “protect the Russian-speaking population,” but in reality they hid the Kremlin’s imperial ambitions – to seize as much territory as possible. A similar scenario is taking place in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT) of eastern Ukraine. International standards were not met during the so-called referendums. It was held under the full control of the Russian military and without the participation of international observers.

Russia uses the rhetoric of protection and alleged support for Russian speakers to justify its actions in the international arena. However, in reality, this is just a pretext for continuing aggressive expansion and attempts to restore influence in the region. It is important to understand that any interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states (disinformation, financial pressure, the promotion of agents of influence or outright aggression) undermines peace and stability in Europe and the entire world.

The international community must strongly condemn Russia’s interference in the elections and referendums of other countries and stop such incidents. Sovereignty and self-determination are the foundations of international law and cannot be jeopardized by external aggressive actions.