Defeating Russia: Stopping the Terrorization of Civilians

Russia continues the systematic terrorization of the civilian population of Ukraine, directing missile attacks on residential buildings and other structures intended exclusively for civilian use. On June 28, Constitution Day in Ukraine, Russia once again demonstrated its true attitude towards Ukrainian people by attacking a residential building in the center of Dnipro. According to preliminary data, the attack on the residential building was carried out with Kh-69 missiles launched from a Su-57 aircraft. As a result, four upper floors of the residential building were destroyed, and the fifth floor was damaged. At least nine people were injured, including a seven-month-old child.

This is far from the first Russian missile attack on residential areas. Russian troops, without remorse, destroy entire cities and villages, cynically firing missiles and UAVs, fully aware that these attacks will kill civilians. The aim of these strikes is to demoralize society and force people to flee their homes, which is particularly relevant for frontline regions. Since February 24, 2022, the Russians have fired 9,100 missiles and strike drones at Ukraine. Meanwhile, the leadership of the aggressor state and Russian diplomats refuse to acknowledge their involvement in crimes against civilians, fearing tougher sanctions.

The shelling of Dnipro on June 28 is cynical not only in its nature but also in its symbolism. Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine formulates the principle that «a person, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability, and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value.» For Russia, however, human life has no value. The Russian leadership does not value the lives of its own citizens or those of any other state in the world. Russia has repeatedly violated international law and continues to do so – and will stop only when the international community speaks to it in the only language it understands, namely, the language of force.

As long as Ukraine lacks sufficient air defense systems, the Russians will continue cynically shelling the civilian population. Russia will continue to kill and maim civilians, including children. If Ukraine cannot defend itself, Russia will simply occupy it, continue kidnapping children, torturing, and committing other horrific war crimes that seem unimaginable in Europe today. Russia is waging a genocidal war against Ukraine, and if it gains a significant advantage on the battlefield, it will not stop there.

Victory over Russia is a common priority for Ukraine and all of Europe. Only without a constant threat from the east can Ukraine and Europe build a stable future, free of wars. Ukraine literally needs air defense systems for survival; without them, Russia will successfully destroy everything in its path, and millions of lives will be under constant threat of death. The resolve of the international community to punish Russia for the crimes already committed and to prevent new ones by strengthening air defense and missile defense systems is key to successfully combating the bloody aggressor of the 21st century. Ukrainian people sincerely thank their partners for every delivery of military aid, as it helps them survive in the conditions of a genocidal war and fight for freedom from totalitarian invasion. At the same time, it serves as a reliable shield for other Eastern European states against which Russia also has aggressive plans.