Return of Deported Children to Ukraine Is In the Spotlight

One of the most tragic events in the Russian-Ukrainian war is the forced deportation of Ukrainian children from the occupied territories to Russia. Since the full-scale invasion, more than 20,000 Ukrainian children have been taken to Russia, which caused outrage in the international community. These actions are a gross violation of international law, including the Geneva Conventions and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). In addition, there is a risk of deportation of about 1.5 million Ukrainian children in the occupied territories.

Russian re-education camps, where Ukrainian children are transferred, is an important element of the Kremlin’s strategy to form youth loyal to Russia. These camps are a part of Unarmia, Young Guard military-patriotic movements, as well as cadet classes in occupied Ukraine. The camps’ program includes the militarization of children, where they are taught military science, including drone piloting, weapons disassembling and other military skills. Children are indoctrinated with Russian ideology there in an attempt to completely eradicate their Ukrainian identity.

Since the full-scale invasion, Russian President Vladimir Putin has stepped up the militarization of children in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT) of Ukraine. One of the key elements of this strategy is re-education camps, where Ukrainian children are subjected to paramilitary training. There are re-education camps for Ukrainian children in various regions of Russia, including in Chechnya, with the Forces of the Caucasus and Forces of Russia programs, as well as in the Volgograd region with the Time of Heroes program. There are camps in Kalmykia, Tyumen, and Murmansk regions, where children are taught engineering, tactics, and military discipline. Their purpose is to militarize and assimilate Ukrainian children by imposing Russian ideology, to erase their national identity. It is worth noting, among the Russian soldiers, there are also those who studied the similar programs after the occupation of Crimea in 2014. This proves the Kremlin’s long-term strategy to grow a generation loyal to Russia, ready to support its military ambitions.

The international community condemns these crimes. In March 2023, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova for their participation in the forced deportation of Ukrainian children. These actions were classified as war crimes and an act of genocide aimed at the destruction of the Ukrainian nation.

In February 2024, the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children was created, which has already included about 40 countries. This coalition aims to unite the efforts of states to return children and restore justice. Among the participating countries are Canada, France, the United States, Belgium, Poland, Bulgaria, Moldova and many others, which provide legal, financial and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. The coalition also supports the work of the UN, UNICEF and other organizations aimed at helping children. It is important not only to bring them home, but also to ensure access to education, healthcare and psychological support, which is crucial for their future. Russia, in turn, must provide full access to information about children, including data on their location and living conditions.

However, more countries are needed to resolve the issue successfully. The expanded coalition will increase pressure on Russia and speed up the return of illegally deported Ukrainian children, as well as increase the possibilities of international assistance and protection of the rights of war-affected children.

One of the key steps towards restoring the rule of law is a conference in Montreal, Canada, on October 30-31, 2024. This event will be devoted to the 4th point of the Peace Formula of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, on returning of prisoners and deportees, including Ukrainian children. The Peace Formula consists of ten points, each of which is aimed at achieving a fair and long-term peace. The points concern various aspects of the conflict: from ensuring nuclear, energy and food security to restoring Ukraine’s territorial integrity and bringing those responsible for war crimes to justice. This plan has no alternatives, as it represents a comprehensive approach to solving all the key problems of the war. It is based on international law and UN principles, which makes it the only viable option for the return of a fair and stable peace, supported by many of Ukraine’s international partners.

The conference in Canada is planned to develop a detailed “road map” to return illegally deported Ukrainian children, their rehabilitation and integration into Ukrainian society. The participants of the event are planned to discuss legal mechanisms for pressuring Russia to obtain location data of children and their safe return to their legal guardians. This important step will strengthen the international coalition in the fight for children’s rights and the justice they deserve.

Russia’s deportation of Ukrainian children is one of the most serious and barbaric crimes of the war, which the international community considers an act of genocide. Russia is deliberately trying to destroy Ukrainian identity by imposing Russian ideology on children and militarizing them in re-education camps. These actions are a gross violation of international law and a threat not only to Ukraine, but also to global security. The justice is impossible without decisive action of the world community.