The article by Mr. Ruslan Nimchynskyi, the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Cyprus  


On September 28, Russia will celebrate the so-called “Reunification Day” with the temporarily occupied Zaporizhia, Kherson, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.

Having launched a large-scale and bloody invasion of Ukraine in 2022, which continues today, and having occupied four regions of Ukraine after the Crimean Peninsula, the Kremlin does not leave the effort to instill a narrative among the population of foreign countries, that the residents of the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine made a «free» choice and voluntarily reunited with the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the so-called «referendums» that were held by the Russian occupation authorities in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine violated the UN Charter, international agreements, and various conventions to which Russia is a party.

The Fourth Geneva Convention directly prohibits the occupying power from annexing the captured territory during hostilities.

Thus, any results of referendums held under the threat of violence or military pressure cannot be recognized as legitimate at the international level.

The mentioned is confirmed by the resolutions of the United Nations (UN), which condemned Russia’s attempts to annex Ukrainian territories. In particular, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, calling on Russia to immediately stop the use of force and withdraw its armed forces from all occupied territories.

The resolution of the UN General Assembly “Aggression against Ukraine” of March 2, 2022, recognizes the actions of the Russian Federation as a violation of the UN Charter and demands from Russia the immediate withdrawal of troops from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

In addition, international sanctions against Russia, introduced due to its aggression against Ukraine, also emphasize the inadmissibility of such referendums. These sanctions include economic restrictions and political pressure on Russia in response to its actions that violate international law.

Despite the unequivocal position of the international community, Russia continues to conduct propaganda activities outside its borders.

Unfortunately, this is also possible in countries that have unequivocally condemned Russian aggression and declared support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

On September 28, 2024, in Nicosia, at the “Russian Center of Science and Culture”, a meeting organized by the so-called “Coordination Council of the Russian Communities of Cyprus” and the “Cypriot Society of Russophiles” will be held on the occasion of the so-called “reunification” with the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine.

As part of the events planned in Nicosia, in particular, a procession with flags and posters will take place, which, according to the organizers, will symbolize the victory over Ukraine.

And this is taking place against the background of the ongoing large-scale Russian aggression averse to Ukraine, when the civilian population — children, women, and the elderly — are killed every day by the terrorist attacks of the Russian Federation. When, numerous Ukrainian cities and villages have been systematically destroyed due to relentless missile strikes and artillery bombardments. Thousands of Ukrainian children have been forcibly transferred to Russia. Many civilians in occupied territories face torture and abuse at the hands of occupying forces.

The Ukrainian people deeply value Cyprus’ unwavering support in upholding their territorial integrity, denouncing and condemning Russian aggression. This solidarity is reflected in both official statements and the sentiments of the public.

The ability of Russia to operate within Europe countries raises concerns. Ukrainians cannot understand why, in the third year of the terrorist war of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, it is still possible for the occupying state to hold similar events on the territory of a European state.

We believe in the restoration of justice. We are committed to the values of freedom and democracy, which are worth fighting for, for the sake of our children and their future. We are convinced that in democratic societies there is no place for war propaganda and public gatherings of chauvinists who glorify aggression, exalt killers and spread war propaganda. We call for a moral, ethical, political, and legal assessment of the actions of the so-called “Coordination Council of the Russian Communities of Cyprus” and the “Cypriot Society of Russophiles”.