Nuclear Threats. The Peace Formula for Ensuring Security

Russia continues to escalate the situation, targeting critical infrastructure in Ukraine and threatening nuclear safety. Before the winter, Moscow is intensifying shelling of Ukrainian energy facilities, threatening with a humanitarian catastrophe. There is information about Russia’s plans to attack three Ukrainian nuclear power plants this fall, which could significantly complicate the country’s energy supply and create the conditions for nuclear accidents. In particular, it concerns distribution devices at transmission substations, critical for the operation of nuclear power plants. Russia’s satellite images allow to carefully prepare future attacks, which significantly increases the risk of accidents, including nuclear ones.

Since the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, all of Ukraine’s thermal power plants and a significant part of the hydroelectric power plant facilities have been destroyed by Russia. This creates a serious threat to millions of people who could be left without heat in the winter. Around 80 % of Ukraine’s energy generation was destroyed, underlining Russia’s intentional actions to destroy critical infrastructure of Ukraine.

The current situation with nuclear safety poses an unprecedented threat to global security. There is a real prospect for a nuclear catastrophe.

Especially worrying is the situation with the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, which has been under the control of Russian troops since March 2022. The plant is used as a military facility: Russian troops have placed ammunition there, using it as a base for shelling, which greatly increases the risk of a radiation accident. In addition, Russia is ignoring the demands of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and the UN to immediately withdraw troops from the plant, which significantly complicates the work of inspectors and jeopardizes the security of the facility.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time Russia has seized Ukrainian nuclear facilities. In February 2022, Russian troops occupied the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant, known for the 1986 disaster that is a symbol of the global radiation danger. The seizure and the subsequent occupation of Chornobyl are the gross violations of radiation safety. The plant’s personnel were forced to work in the permanent radioactive conditions. The Russian military did not observe all safety precautions, which led to a worsening of the radiation safety on the territory of the plant. Only a few weeks later, at the end of March 2022, Russian troops left the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant. We need to assess the damage to the facility and its personnel.

The international community has repeatedly expressed concern about Russia’s actions in the nuclear sphere. In September 2024, an important resolution was adopted at the 68th Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference. Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards in Ukraine Programme was supported by 52 member states of the agency. According to the document, there is an urgent need to return the Zaporizhzhia NPP under the full sovereign control of Ukraine for ensuring the safe operation of nuclear facilities on the territory of the country.

In this regard, the international community should take decisive measures to prevent further escalation of the nuclear threat. Tightening sanctions against the Russian nuclear sector and coordination within the UN and the IAEA are necessary steps. Only joint efforts can prevent a catastrophe and ensure lasting security for Ukraine and all of Europe.

We can stop Russia by implementing the Peace Formula proposed by Ukraine. This initiative, based on the fundamental principles of the UN Charter, includes the withdrawal of Russian troops from the occupied territories, the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, ensuring nuclear safety, as well as many other key global issues. Only the implementation of these steps can end the war and make a just and lasting peace.

The Peace Formula has already received broad international support at the first Peace Summit, which took place in Switzerland in June 2024. Ninety-four countries supported the declaration. It contains the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and ensuring nuclear safety. These steps remain an integral part of the plan to stop Russian aggression and achieve sustainable peace. The second Peace Summit is already being prepared, and the participation of many world countries, including representatives of the Global South, is essential for its success. China, Brazil, India, as well as countries in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia, Europe, the Pacific region and North America, play an important role in achieving global peace. Their participation will be The key to the successful implementation of the Peace Formula and long-term stability in the world.