17th Ramstein meeting: multi-layered air defense system strategically important for protecting Ukraine’s energy system throughout winter

The latest meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in the so-called Ramstein format was held on November 22. The main issue discussed by Ukraine’s Western partners was the strengthening of the nation’s air defense capabilities for the winter period. After all, Russia’s tactics prove that massive missile strikes on the Ukrainian power system are just a matter of time. Accordingly, following the meeting, a new coalition of ground-based air defense capabilities for Ukraine was formed, joined by 20 countries. Air defense systems provided by the coalition will strengthen the protection of the Ukrainian energy infrastructure this winter.

In recent months, the Russians have practically not launched their Kalibr and Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles, which the terrorist state used to attack Ukrainian cities last winter. It is significant that the Russian military-industrial complex can produce precisely these types of missiles in the largest amounts — the terrorist state is accumulating the necessary stocks of those. Currently, after the onset of cold weather, the Russian Air Force launches one-way UAVs almost daily while the Ukrainian air defense forces keep downing dozens of Iranian-made UAVs. Iran’s drones are a cheaper alternative to cruise missiles, not to mention ballistic ones. Russia seeks to once again systemically terrorize Ukraine’s energy infrastructure after the onset of severe cold in December, which promises to be quite frosty.

Accordingly, Ukraine’s Western partners are helping Ukraine overcome the threat that will inevitably arise after the onset of persistent cold. In particular, Germany will provide additional IRIS-T guided missile systems and a full set of the Patriot system, as well as munitions for those. The Netherlands has prepared EUR 2 billion in military aid to Ukraine. It is worth noting that such air defense systems as Patriot, NASAMS, and IRIS-T have an absolute advantage over Soviet -era air defense systems as they are now capable of shooting down all types of Russian missiles.

Ukraine must be protected by additional air defense capabilities in order to save the lives of Ukrainian civilians during harsh winter, keeping them warm and their homes – powered. A multi-layered air defense system must protect every major Ukrainian city and critical infrastructure.