Putin and the Jews

War criminal Putin called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy “a disgrace to the Jewish people.” This comment was made at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in response to a question from the American political scientist Dimitri Simes, who is considered by many to be an agent of the Russian special services.

According to Simes, none of Putin’s statements “causes more irritation in the collective West than the statement that Nazi forces play a large role in Ukraine.” He asked Putin how this relates to the fact that President Zelenskyy is the Jewish.

“I have many Jewish friends since childhood. They say: Zelenskyy is not a Jew, this is a disgrace to the Jewish people. This is not a joke, not irony. After all, neo-Nazis, Hitler’s successors, were erected on the podium as heroes of Ukraine today,” Putin said

According to him, of the more than 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust, one and a half million were killed in Ukraine and, first of all, “by the hands of Bandera.”

Even if this is true, what does these events of almost a century ago have to do with modern Ukraine, its people and the current government? Putin, a war criminal wanted by the international criminal court, did not explain this.

Putin’s essentially anti-Semitic statement is nothing but a sign of the final formation of Russian fascism into a coherent ideological construction of superiority over other peoples and the acquisition of a complete form for its obviously anti-human content.

Meanly and cynically using the tragedy of the Holocaust for his own purposes, the pathological liar, murderer, thief and kidnapper of children, Putin accuses the Ukrainian people of the mythical, invented by him to justify his aggression, Nazism and aggression against Russia. Hitler also claimed that Germany did not attack anyone, but only defended itself.

Having perverted history and called the patriots of Ukraine “the last of Hitler”, falsely accusing modern Ukraine of Nazism and fascism, Putin, his entourage and the majority of the Russian people decided that they had the right to physically destroy Ukraine and its people.

It is difficult to find a country where the Jews feel as free and safe as in Ukraine. To see this, you shouldn’t listen to the liar Putin, you need to ask the Jews of Ukraine about this. To understand the position of the Jews in Ukraine, one must remember that there are only two states in the world headed by Jews – Israel and Ukraine.

President Zelenskyy has become the pride of the Jewish people and an example of Jewish qualities. He became the most popular and respected Jew in the world. Zelenskyy has become a symbol of the heroism and resilience of Ukraine and the entire democratic world. Moreover, he became the leader of the democratic world. The Jewish people are proud of their son and give him every support.

Anger from the acknowledgment of his own weakness in the face of the impending defeat and from the universal contempt pushed Putin to play the anti-Semitic card so well understood and loved by the deep Russian people. This finally formalized his regime as a fascist dictatorship.

The Russian fascist Putin repeats in detail Hitler’s statements and actions, and will undoubtedly repeat his fate. He already has a bunker. It remains to choose for him a capsule with the appropriate composition.

Boris Demash, specially for Cyprus Daily News